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Become A Keyboard Shortcut Superman
InDesign is complex! Shortcuts make things simple when the work gets heavy. Imagine being able to keep your mouse and writing hand honed in on the creative aspects of your work, taking care of rote functions literally single-handedly.
Take a look at the shortcuts below to become an InDesign Superman (substitute "Command Key" for "Ctrl" if you are working on a Mac):
Shortcuts You Will Recognize from Word Processor Norms
You will probably recognize these from word processing, but these time savers are worth a review.
Ctrl+N | Creates a new document |
Ctrl+O | Opens a previous document |
Ctrl+W | Closes current document |
Ctrl+S | Saves document |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Shift+Ctrl+Z | Redo |
Important Functional Commands
Get your demos and revisions out with lightning speed with these two shortcuts under your belt.
Ctrl+E | Export your document outside of the native InDesign format |
Ctrl+D | Places graphics and text |
Window Commands
Set up your screen for optimal viewing using the shortcuts here, and change your perspective when needed on the fly.
Ctrl+= | Zooms screen in |
Ctrl+ - | Zooms screen out |
Ctrl+0 | Fits the entire page in the window |
InDesign Object Shortcuts
InDesign is based around objects. Master them, and your productivity will go through the roof.
Alt [Option] +Ctrl+0 | Fits the entire spread in the window |
Ctrl+1 | Displays the document in its actual size |
Ctrl+R | Shows or hides the document rulers |
Ctrl+; | Shows or hides the guides |
InDesign Text Shortcuts
The text stuff should be easy, and with the command list below, it will be.
Shift+Ctrl+Y | Return text to normal |
Shift+Ctrl+B | Bold text |
Shift+Ctrl+I | Italicized text |
Shift+Ctrl+U | Underline text |
Shift+Ctrl+= | Superscript text |
Alt [Option]+Shift+Ctrl+= | Subscript text |
Shift+Ctrl+L | Align text to left |
Shift+Ctrl+R | Align text to right |
Shift+Ctrl+C | Align text to center |
Shift+Ctrl+J | Justify text left |
Commit one block of shortcuts to muscle memory per week and take note of how much faster your work moves. Don't worry if you forget a few up front - taking a bit of time to invest in these shortcuts will pay dividends.
Adobe Indesign Keyboard Shortcuts (Shortcut Matters)
(Volume 43)
by U. C-Abel Books
Designing creatively in InDesign requires you to make out time to read useful books and references like this one. It is not possible for anybody to become a professional in InDesign by sticking to old methods and styles of operation because you cannot be an expert in any field by doing only what you learnt at the beginner level. Create posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books in a way they will attract appreciation from people that see them, and bring more clients to you through the information we have shared in this book.
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